Monday, February 13, 2012

And the Rains Came

Hey Mom and Dad!
     Sounds like a party back home! Was the roof done enough before
the rain on Sunday?   As for the raining here, it was pretty bad
for a few days but its getting better. As for the smell, well, it still
smells like a garbage can just now it smells like a wet garbage can.
I hadn´t heard about the dolphins yet.  No one here has said anything.
With the water, though, it did flood pretty bad.  We have a
couple investigator who work as carpenters and don´t have roofs over
their work areas.   They got hit pretty hard.  There weren´t any major problems for us except our
second floor apartment flooded.   We have a water drain pipe
outside our window to drain water off the roof of the house, but it
broke.  We woke up with about 2 inches of water on our floor the
other day.   We spent our morning trying to bail water.   It rains bad like this about every 10 years so everyone more or less knew how to take care of things.   It wasn´t a terrible
problem for most.  If I ever remember my camera on Mondays,  I have a few
pictures to send home.
     News from the mission:   I guess I can fill you in on the stories
that I have up to date.    We actually had a woman that we baptized who told us that
she plans to name her next son Nathan Jacob Mendez in honor of me and
my old companion. (I was flattered.)    Also, we taught this woman last week who on our
second visit decided that she wants to be baptized also her son and
her sister and her cousin and everyone in her family.   We are
working with them.   The other day the first presidency adressed
the world church leaders.   The translation didn´t make it to Peru.
At least, not all of it.  There were a few segments missing.  I was
specifically asked by our pension (who is in charge of sending it out
to several stakes around here) to translate several missing parts.
and it wasn´t a bad job if I say so myself!   Aside from that, generally for our P days we
go to centro and run around. My comp and I and 2 other missionaries are almost always hanging out together when we can.  One of them is Elder Martin from Logan. then, my new
companion is from California, then Lehi right before his mission.  His
name is Elder Burymski. I think I got all the questions you asked.  If
not, tell me, and I will answer them later.
Take care
Elder Thomson

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