24 October 2011
Que pasa familia!
Hey! How is everything? Yes, I finally made it! I´m finally here in Peru. Lots of planes, no trains and I am afraid of the automobiles here. I thought they drove bad in Italy! At least they stopped at stop lights in Italy. Here its optional. But its a lot of fun! Yes, I have a pensionista! She is super nice and patient with my lack of Spanish. My new comp´s name is Elder Palacios. I thought maybe a relation to the Palacios in our ward, but no, and he does speak English... kinda. He speaks English about the same amount of spanish I speak. But, his is British English so even then it's difficult to get the point across sometimes. He is from Lima. Then, in answer to your next question, YES! Jalapaños and habiñeros would be more than welcome! The food is kinda bland sometimes. I had some of their ¨spicy¨ food the other day... and uhh... it had good flavor (not spicy at all). Also recipes! I would apreciate those too... and if you are sending a care package... could you find a football and a basketball for me? It's about 25 dollars American for a piece of junk basketball or football. Both would be welcome! (Remember, plaster the sucker with pictures of Jesus and The Virgin Mary. or else someone else will be very greatful for the stuff.
The mission here is really nice! It's very hot. Not too bad humitity wise, but it is basically a desert. My comp said it never rains here...like ever...and if it does, its a minor sprinkle. I am guessing I'm in for a hot couple of years. Que mas. My mission president is super cool! He is a very nice guy and speaks a tiny bit of English. As long as we only talk about church related stuff, it goes ok! I don´t know many words outside of the Preach my Gospel lessons. I´m serving in Chiclayo for the moment, the José Balta area. I don´t know if you will be able to find that or not. It might just be a church related name. It's nice here. There is one thing that is a little strange, though. I have yet to see a completed building. Every building has rebar sticking out the top of it like it's ready for another level. Its interesting!
Most people are really nice to us. We were giving some poor guy a hard time the other day. We were tracting and came to a door, when the guy opened the door, he wouldn´t let us speak at all and quickly slamed the door. We went on to the next one and while we were waiting, he came out to throw something away so we said "hi" again! We started talking to him while he couldn´t do anything about it. Then suddenly, he found something interesting on the sidewalk and followed it, making sure to avoid looking at us till he was out of sight. I found it entertaining. Another door, the guy answered it, looked at us, didn´t say a word and before we could, he slammed it shut. My first real door slamed in my face!! :) Then, another part of the city, a pentacostal person tried getting us to come with him to his church. I took his flyer for my journal. It's a lot of fun! The other thing, apparently we live right above a Catholic family and we hear them doing what ever it is they do below us almost everyday. What is it? Well, your guess is as good as mine. I have no idea. IT comes through the window, though. We open our window and play hymns for them to listen too. During their mass last night, I wanted to start a chorus of "Called to Serve", but Elder Palacios said no. Oh well, I guess I need to learn respect. There is always next Sunday. Two doors down from us is another church. We always are very friendly and give out our pass along cards like candy during their meetings. No just kidding. But I´ve thought about it more than once. Apparently, its a bad idea to upset our nieghbors.
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Devin, Aaron, Nate in the MTC |
I really am enjoying it here and learning a lot. It's about as different from our culture as you can get. The people are great and very friendly! If you don´t mind, I would like to give my freinds your email, Mom. Could you forward letters to me? It will cost and arm and a leg to send letters. I don´t know how much international stamps are back there, but here it sounds like they get kinda pricey. I haven´t seen a post office in all of Peru yet, so I´m not sure how that works. Well I love you. Thanks for all the support! And, if you send a package, any new pictures would be nice to have too! I love you so much and miss you all at home. I hope things start looking up for the Ward. I´ll keep everyone in my prayers. Take care! Give everyone my love! I love you
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