Hey, what's going on? Sounds like things back home are going good. I hope Sawyer had a Happy Birthday, but it sounds like it went all right. This was an interesting week. We actually had surprise transfers. Elder Perez got transfered to Pomalca. I am still hanging out here in Jayanca with a young Elder Linares. Elder Linares has the same time in the misson as Elder Perez, but Elder Linares is much calmer and less stressed all the time. Here in Jayanca all is well.
In answer to, we didn´t end up opening Illimo this last week. One of the 2 families that we have there went on vacation then it was only one family so we are going to keep working on Illimo. It's a bit slow out there with missionary work. There aren´t many people who want to listen. At first, we had every person in every house who was at least interested to hear us, but I think one of the churches started bad mouthing the church of Jesus Christ again. It happens all over the country when missionaries show up. Even people who we were teaching had a complete change of heart, but still it's going good. I had some fun this week. We came across a Baptist family this week in Illimo. One sister in the family was mad that we were visiting her and thought that we believed Joseph Smith was the father of Jesus Christ and several other doubts and concerns. We started talking to her and pulling out scriptures from the Bible and from memory. It was a great deal of fun because she also knows a great deal of scriptures. She finally accepted the challenge to read the Book of Mormon but her father invited us not to return. She completely changed her mind about the church. It was cool. I like talking with people who know a lot about the scriptures. It's a great deal more fun to talk to them when they can talk back, then we can really start solving concerns and help them to understand.
Haha and thanks for the reminder about this week! The members here, too, always remind us how much time we have. Haha and no, I'm not terribly trunky yet, although it is strange thinking that I have one year in mission. Friday is my birthday in the mission. (my cumple año)
For the ward newsletter, well, I don´t know. I always have a scriptures to share.
One scripture I have loved and have really worked to become like is Alma 29 :1, 9-10 (write it in. the ward newsletter. it says it all)
I love you all and I am out of time, but take care and I will write again next week.
Elder Thomson
Elder Thomson